certSIGN team participated in CyDEx18 national cyber exercise, which took place October 8-10, 2018, where more than 300 experts in cyber security were tested in complex simulations.
certSIGN at CyDEx18
CyDEx18 participants were faced with realistic scenarios of potential threats to critical IT & C infrastructures relevant to national security. They were tasked with discovering and analyzing malware applications with a high degree of complexity in the context of major cyber incidents at a national level.
The certSIGN team has actively participated in successfully solving the proposed scenarios, relying on extensive knowledge of cyber security, rapid intervention mechanisms implemented at the company's Security Operation Center (SOC) and specialized technical expertise.
The domain of cyber security is an important part of certSIGN's activity, as the company has been involved for more than 10 years in the development and implementation of innovative solutions for organizations that need data protection and IT systems in accordance with GDPR and NIS Directive no. 2016/1148 on measures for a high common level of network and information security in the EU.
certSIGN operates its own security operations center (SOC) and offers Managed Security Services (MSSP). The cyber security services provided are accredited by Trusted Introducer and in accordance with the SOC2 standard.
CyDEx18 Cyber Security Exercise
CyDEx18 – the only cyber security exercise in Romania focused on a practical component – was organized by the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) through the National Cyberint Center in partnership with MApN, MAI, MAE, STS, SPP, SIE, ORNISS and CERT -RO and with the support of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
The event aimed to verify and stimulate cooperation mechanisms between public institutions with responsibilities in the field of national security and, in general, between public institutions, the private and the academic environment.