The complete digitization of Human Resources processes can seem an abstract concept. But when we have the technical tools, the legal framework and especially the precedent, the example that confirms the possibility of switching from theory to practice, there is only one thing that can stop us – the lack of information. And in order to overcome this last "impediment", today we present you the way in which the HR processes can be digitized within the Romanian companies, giving you the concrete example of their own experience.
Is it possible to electronically sign the employment documents, with legal value?
To this question we could offer the shortest answer – YES !, but we know you need a stronger argument. The electronic signature of the employment documents is not only technically and legally possible, but was also successfully implemented in certSIGN in 2016, when it was decided to implement the employee's electronic file. Thus, we became the first company in Romania where the complete digitization of HR processes took place.
Considering the fact that in Romania since 2001 there is a legislative framework that allows the use of electronic signature, it seems at least strange how the vast majority of companies still rely on paper and pen in their internal processes and workflows. Perhaps we are talking about a reluctance to change, about specific fears regarding the use of new technologies or simply may be a cause for ignorance. The reality is that we have a specific national legislation (Law no. 455/2001 regarding electronic signature) and an european one (European regulation eIDAS no. 910/2014). This last normative act, which is directly applicable in all Member States of the European Union – therefore including in Romania, regulates the electronic signature with legal value.
In short, either we sign on paper, in the classic way we all get used to, or we sign electronically, we have documents with legal value in both cases!
Why digitize HR processes and the employee's electronic file?
Any document related to the human resources process, which is normally signed on paper, can be signed electronically quickly and easily, with a simple click, without the need for special technical knowledge. In the case of digitizing HR processes, the advantages of switching to the employee's electronic file are evident especially in a careful analysis of the "classic" way of working and the blatant contradiction observed here.
Specifically, when we talk about the employment documents, we are talking about some models of documents (employment contract, annexes to the contract, job description, etc.) that are normally completed on the PC / laptop with the data of the new employee and subsequently printed in two copies, for signature. Thus, although the work of HR staff is carried out in the electronic environment (drafting the documents on the computer, maintaining an electronic database with all employees, sending REVISAL to the ITM in electronic format, calculating the salaries with the help of special programs, etc.), finally everything ends with the printing of the documents in 2 copies, in order to be signed.
The conclusion? It is an inefficient and contradictory working style, especially in an era of digitalization. Why would we still allow human resource processes to develop in this way, if we have a much better option at hand, which involves speed, efficiency, cost reduction (on print supplies, courier etc.), gaining space with electronic archiving. The even better part is that the qualified electronic signature certificate can be used not only in the case of an employment contract or a commercial contract between two companies. You can electronically sign ANY document you sign on paper!
The certSIGN example
The need to digitize HR processes at our company level appeared in the context of the high number of employees (~ 500), half of them working throughout the country. When it was necessary to quickly sign documents by all employees, the benefits of giving up paper (with the time gained and eliminating print and courier costs) and switching to digital through the use of electronic signature became obvious.
Thus, in a short time and with minimal implementation effort, we managed to digitize the entire HR process by drawing up the documents on the computer and keeping them in the digital environment by signing and electronically archiving them with the legal value. Documents are always handy, easy to find and have original value.
The transition from the employee's physical file (which the vast majority of companies now have in a cabinet) to the employee's electronic file – signed with legal value – was made simple, practically replicating online the paper signing process. The documents look the same, and where the name, first name and signature are mentioned, it is generated by a simple click on the electronic signature. Specifically, no changes have been made at the document level, but only the management, transmission and storage flow has changed.
Find out more on this topic from certSIGN specialists at Radio Guerrilla!
Podcast "From Digital Transformation to DIGITAL TRUST" @ Guerrilla Hub.
Ep.4. Full digitalization of HR processes in companies
(invited Ana Teodorescu, HR Manager certSIGN)