Approximately two thirds of the Romanian medium and large companies invest in digitalization strategies and initiatives, points out a case study drawn by IDC and supported by certSIGN, that analyses the impact of digitalization on the private companies and identifies the main technologies that lead the companies towards the digital business.
According to the study, most companies considers that digitalization as reflected by the latest technologies (cloud services, big data, business analytics, mobility etc) represents the main factor that could lead to an improved business efficiency. Thus, the most important benefits identified by respondents are: reduction of the operational costs (as stated by 47% of the respondents), improved employee productivity through faster information access and less manual/redundant work (as stated by 55% of respondents), faster processes and improved operational efficiency (54% of respondents), and improved customer experience due to faster response time and multi-channel communication (47% of respondents).
Challenges and solutions
One of the challenges that companies face is turning from printed documents to electronic documents in their business processes. The use of signatures on documents to render them legal is one of the vital demands of any business. Traditionally, hand-written signatures are associated with the validation of an intention and guarantee the acceptance of a document by the signing parties. Lately, these elements of trust and acknowledgement tend to be transferred in the digital environment.
certSIGN, provider of trust services in compliance with the European Regulation 910/2014 (eIDAS), is the pioneer of the electronic signature used in the business environment in Romania and one of the few companies in Europe that provide QSCD-qualified remote qualified signature (Qualified Signature and Seal Creation Device) in compliance with eIDAS. Using certSIGN's Paperless remote qualified electronic signature system, any document can be remotely electronically signed, with legal value, from any device, anywhere, anytime, without token, without installing special drivers thanks to the secure storing of the digital certificate on certSIGN's servers. The secure data processing and storing and its advanced protection against cyberattacks is guaranteed by certSIGN's QSCD certification.
According to IDC's study on printed documents and digitalization trends, in 2018 approximately 60% of a company's processes were on paper, while in 2019 the paper usage dropped to 50%. This decrease is encouraging and indicates that the electronic documents will replace the printed documents, especially in fields that are already open to digitalization such as HR, marketing, banking and financial institutions, while the mobile technologies that surpass the physical limits of the offices and the cloud solutions will complete the digital business.
For B2B or B2C companies, the remote electronic signature can become a business standard, even more so as the European legislation supports the use and acknowledgment of the electronic signature among the member states and the European Commission points out the trust services, among which mention must be made of the qualified and remote electronic signature, as the driving force for the development of a unique digital market.